Tinkers Hatch

Supporting You to be as Independent as Possible


Read this months newsletter to find out everything thats happening at Tinkers Hatch. Written by our residents!

Easy Read

For condensed easy read of our website, click here for a easy read version of our website’s content.

CQC Report

Click here for the online version of our latest CQC report from 2022.


Tinkers Hatch

Tinkers Hatch has provided high quality residential, day and respite services for people with learning disabilities since 1984.

Our aim is to provide clients with –

The best possible standards of care

A safe, friendly and comfortable environment in which to live

Well trained and experienced staff
Community presence, personal development and positive relationships
Services tailored to meet each individual’s needs
The promotion and support of personal rights, dignity, choice, privacy, independence and individuality

CQC Report

Requires Improvement

Click here to see the online version of our latest CQC report from 2022.

Our Quality Statements






Community Garden

East Hoathly Community Garden has become an important focal point for some of the Tinkers clients and they really look forward to their weekly visits. They are learning a multitude of new skills and gardening knowledge and making solid friendships along the way.

Well Led

Get to know some of the staff at Tinkers Hatch!

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The Sussex Association for Spina Bifida & Hydrocephalus

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Emma W

I like it here it’s a nice place to live the gardens are nice, I am happy here, I like the staff.

Neill W

Its nice I like the staff and have made good friends here staff and clients.


I like living at Tinkers because its nice and I like the staff lots.